Former Miss World Priyanka Chopra and actress Deepika Padukone looked stunning at the pre-Oscars cocktail party. Both have confirmed their presence in the 89th Academy Awards to be held at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles on February 26, 2017.

Priyanka posted a picture of her along with Rolling Stones lead singer Mick Jagger on Instagram and captioned it, "Change of plans! Oscars here we come..

@mickjagger LA LA land".

Why was Priyanka with Mick Jagger?

As soon as Priyanka shared her picture with Jagger, it became viral on social media, and her fans are now asking the million dollar question; Why Chopra was with Mick Jagger? However, we should wait for few more hours to know the exact reason behind their association, as the actress has not shared any details about their meet up.

Walking the Oscar red carpet for the second time

This will be for the second time that the "Baywatch" actress would be walking the Academy Awards red carpet. The previous year too, Priyanka Chopra attended the event and even presented an award.

Earlier, many reports claimed that "xXx: The Return of Xander Cage" actress Deepika Padukone will not participate in the event, but later the actress herself confirmed that she will attend the biggest Hollywood night.

Jennifer Aniston, Matt Damon, Ryan Gosling and Meryl Streep have been finalized as presenters for this year's Oscars.

Priyanka Chopra is now a very familiar name among Hollywood audiences, and within a short span of time, she has also bagged two People’s Choice Awards. The dazzling beauty even attended the recently concluded Golden Globe Awards.

The "Quantico" star is now awaiting the release of her new movie "Baywatch" which features Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron in the lead roles.

The film is scheduled to reach the big screens on May 17, 2017.

The dress Priyanka wore at the Oscars in 2016 was in the list of one of the top searched dresses.

The Oscars can be watched 8:30 pm EST/5:30 pm on ABC. The live online stream can be watched at the ABC app or