Drama surrounding Nick Viall
"The Bachelor" Nick Viall is dating, and the drama is mounting. This episode we will see Nick go on a couple of group dates, and a one-on-one date. In the end, three bachelorettes will be going home, leaving him with 15 women. If you don't want to know what happens in episode three, don't continue to read. Spoilers follow!
Episode spoilers
The date card arrives for a group date to a Backstreet Boys concert. Nick invites Jasmine, Danielle L., Taylor, Kristina, Corinne, Whitney, and Christen. The band had an hour to teach everyone some dance moves and picked one girl to join them on stage -- the one that learned the moves the best.
Before that, however, Ashley I. and Becca are both called up. Corinne, for some reason, picked this time to brag that she has a nanny. Several of her fellow contestants confronted her about the nanny situation. In the end, Danielle L. gets the group date rose.
Date card
The date card for the one-on-one date goes to Vanessa Grimaldi. The two have a zero gravity date. The time they spend together shows that they have a connection, and she takes the date rose home at the end of the evening.
The last date card for the week is for seven of the contestants to join Nick in a track and field event. Jaimi, Brittany, Rachel, Astrid, Sarah, Alexis, and Dominique are the ones that had the opportunity to be trained by Olympians Michelle Carter, Allyson Felix, and Carl Lewis.
Spoilers say that Astrid is the winner in the competition. Apparently there is an issue at the after-party because Dominique is sent home. Rumors are that alcohol may have been involved in that decision. Either way, Rachel emerges with the rose from the group date.
As all the dates happened in the episode, Raven, Danielle M., and Josephine were the ones left out.
There is no cocktail party in this episode, but they do have a pool party. The whole nanny thing with Corinne becomes an issue again. She continues to hang all over Nick and be overly sexual with him, which doesn't sit well with the other ladies.
At the rose ceremony, there are only two sent home, since Dominique took an early exit. Nick says goodbye to Brittany Farrar and Christen Whitney.