Aye, Mateys. Disney rocked the galleons of social media January 27 with a “Tweet” about the indomitable “Jack Sparrow” and its latest “Pirates of the Caribbean” movie, “Dead Men Tell No Tales." The Studio has kept mum on its social channels with scant revelations about the 5th installment in the seafaring franchise.
'Tell No Tales' New Trailer Reel Tease
The Mouse House glimpsed a lighting-fast peek at the next Pirates swashbuckler on Friday, and included a cryptic message on Twitter. The announcement was shared from its ‘DeadMenTellNoTales’ social account that has remained conspicuously calm on the social seas for the past 36 months.
Movie goers last saw Sparrow sailing from discovering the fabled Fountain of Youth with only a bottle of rum, a dingy and a trusty compass that doesn’t point North.
Jack’s fans continue to ponder across the Internet waves in January about what may be The Studio’s next parlay with the movie’s release.
'Dead Men Tell No Tales' Setting Sail This Summer
The hashtag “piratesofthecarribean5” flooded Twitter from fans who basked in the afterglow of a first teaser that hit October in 2016. Writer Ted Elliot, who shopped the original story around Walt Disney’s Theme Park version with co-creator Terry Rossio, also co-wrote the latest picture with Jeff Nathanson (writer, producer of “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”).
Johnny Depp reprises his role as Sparrow, Geoffrey Rush as Barbossa, Orlando Bloom as Will Turner and Javier Bardem (“Skyfall”) is introduced as “Captain Salazar," a scallywag who was alleged to have consorted with pirate ghosts and Jack Sparrow. A dangerous pirate who also was believed to have escaped from the accursed Devil’s Triangle, Salazar survived the impossible and now he plans to avenge himself on every black-hearted pirate.
The theatrical release follows Sparrow in search of the mythic trident of Poseidon. The second trailer teaser arrives from the talents of directors Espen Sandberg and Joachim Ronning.
The pirate actioneer is slated to sail across theater screens in May, 2017.