"Days Of Our Lives" actress Maria Tornberg, who just debuted on the daytime soap earlier this week as Agent Reznik is facing some major recovery time after being severely injured while escaping from an intruder that broke into her home recently. The actress is now dealing with multiple broken bones, a long rehab period, and six months in a wheelchair (according to a recent report from Soap Hub).

'Days' actress'quick thinking saved her life

Tornberg found herself experiencing a scary situation that could have very well come off the script pages of "DOOL." Unfortunately it was all too real for Tornberg, who was the victim of a horrific crime, and left with no other choice than to jump from the second floor of her home. A move that saved her life.

Maria made the quick decision to jump onto the concrete below, a landing that left the "Days" actress with two shattered heels, breaking both hands and her T12 vertebrae. Tornberg is now living with casts on all her limbs, and she will have to use a wheelchair for the next six months, or longer.

Long road to recovery for daytime actress Maria Tornberg

It will be a long and painful recovery for Maria, who will also endure hours upon hours of rehab to hopefully get back to her normal physical state. It is not known at this time whether the accident will interrupt her run on the daytime soap, or if the series' regular six-month-ahead taping schedule will allow for no changes as far as taping is concerned.

This is just one more bit of bad news for "Days" fans this week. As previously reported, the cast and fans of long-running daytime drama are very concerned about the recent cancellation rumors that have been circulating on social media for the past few days. At this time, there has been no official confirmation of cancellation talk.

As for Maria Tornberg, hopefully she will have a speedy recovery process after her terrible ordeal.

What are your thoughts? Will "Days" fans see an end to the drama in Salem soon? "DOOL" airs weekdays on NBC.