John Oliver has quickly become one of the most popular TV personalities in the world. His refreshingly honest takes on a wide range of subjects have done more to educate America than any other show in recent memory. On Sunday, August 7th, John Oliver did a fantastic show chronicling the fall of journalism. Newspapers are slowly dying out as more people turn to free online news for information.

And journalistic integrity is dying as publishers focus on getting as many clicks as possible.

Sam Zell

Billionaire Sam Zell is the chairman of Equity Group Investments, which invests in energy, logistics, and communications company. The very successful businessman chose to purchase a controlling share in the Tribune Company in January of 2008. Things did not go well, something everyone should have predicted at the outset after this awful press conference.

Suggesting that puppy news is the most important thing in the world may not be the best move. Sam Zell is so focused on the money that he is unable to see that journalism plays an important role in the world.

He actually shows an extreme lack of respect and arrogance by giving a quick f**k you to the reporter who asked the question. 

It took less than a year for the Tribune Company to go bankrupt after Zell purchased it. I don't think anybody should have been surprised after he cursed at one of the journalists who could have helped the company get to greater heights.

John Oliver's Reaction

John Oliver, who wants people to understand that journalism is dying, was naturally unhappy about this. But he didn't need much more than the video to prove his point. If you haven't seen the full episode about journalism yet, I highly recommend that you check it out below.

It's sad to see that journalism is in such dire straits.

Journalists are slowly being forced to concentrate on what gets clicks rather than important news. And as Sam Zell suggests, that often includes stories about cute animals that are essentially non-stories.

John Oliver ends the video with a mockery of the atmosphere in news companies today. A man covering political corruption is not taken seriously while a woman who has a story about a cat that looks like a raccoon gets all the attention. Before we succumb to men like Sam Zell, let's try to recognize the great work done by journalists before we pay attention to those cute animals.