Americans love a good cause, and will donate money to one they believe in. This attitude of giving has been a plus for Meals On Wheels. The organization that feeds the elderly poor has seen a recent increase in donations. This came after President Trump indicated that the government would no longer fund 3% of the program. We should however take this upswing in funding with a Grain Of Salt.

Certainly the money is needed, and will be put to good use. What better purpose can we have than looking out for those who cannot help themselves? Many of the Meals on Wheels recipients are elderly and disabled and cannot leave their homes. One healthy hot meal each day for 5 days a week is the only food some of their clients get to eat. If the giving is only a temporary knee jerk reaction, it will soon fade away.

The benefits of the president's decision

When President Trump decided to pull government funding, he did the senior community a huge favor. The benefit to the president's decision is, that it put the national spotlight on a group that is often forgotten.

The willingness of Americans to give, because of their outrage will no doubt have a ripple effect. There will probably also be an increase in volunteers, as well as supplies that are much needed for older adults.

In most all localities where Meals on Wheels are served, a parent organization oversees the program, and offers other services to seniors. These include rides to appointments, eye exams, free glasses, home repairs, window unit air conditioners, soup for seniors, and Christmas gifts. Extra dollars will mean that these additional perks will continue and perhaps expand. That is, unless all the giving is hype.

We must continue to take care of our seniors

It is simply human nature to get caught up in the cause of the moment.

It is very American to become outraged and give certain news stories their 15 minutes of fame. Our elderly Americans, however, cannot survive on this type of behavior. We simply must continue to take care of our oldest citizens, even after the hype settles down.

The momentum must continue. We cannot afford for even one older American to fall through the cracks. Senior citizens deserve that one hot meal a day, 5 days a week as a beginning point. In addition to providing food, Meals on Wheels volunteers provide human contact for lonely seniors. We cannot and should not let the enthusiasm for these older adults decrease.