The Internet is abuzz, with stories stating Donald Trump is cutting out the 'Meals On Wheels' program. When I first heard this, I thought about Charles Dickens, "A Christmas Carol." I recalled Ebenezer Scrooge telling the ghost of Christmas present, "Let them die and decrease the surplus population."
It turns out, the extreme version going around Social Media, was a case of Fake News. In actuality, only 3 percent of Meals on Wheels funding comes from the U.S. government. This would mean, that the budget cuts the president is proposing, will not seriously affect the senior program.
The benefits of the Meals on Wheels program
When I worked in Home Health Care, I had an elderly gentleman as a client. Most days, his Meals on Wheels container, was the only food in his house. My grandmother was also a recipient of this program. Monday through Friday, they delivered a hot meal between 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Food, however, is only one of the benefits
Seniors, who are signed up for the meals, also received bags filled with gifts at Christmas. Secret Santa's take their names and go shopping. My grandmother's bags were filled with lotion, soap, cologne, wash clothes, bedroom shoes, a throw blanket, Christmas candy, and cookies.
Meals on Wheels also has Soup for Seniors da, once a year.
This is when their clients receive a box filled with different type of canned soups, tuna, and packets of crackers. One of the most significant benefits of the program is the contact with others. The volunteers are all so friendly. This is especially good for older adults who live alone.
Keeping the program going
In Roanoke, Va., where I live, there is an annual fundraiser for Meals on Wheels.
Once a year boxed lunches are sold with proceeds going to the local League on aging. This organization makes sure qualifying seniors, continue to get their daily container of food.
Since only 3 percent of the funding for this program comes from the Government, It is vital that each participating locality where the meals are distributed, maintain funding.
If everyone does their part, this great benefit for low-income older adults will not be in jeopardy.
Churches, sororities, fraternities and civic organizations can take up the cause. If everyone looks out for their neck of the woods, our elderly adults will have nothing to worry about, regardless of what President Donald Trump and the government does.