Hillary Clinton is untouched, yet folks around her are going down one victim at a time. They have their careers dangling in the wind for some of the deeds discovered in her emails and for the handling of these emails as well. Careers are ruined as people associated with her seem to take the fall while Hillary continues to tell the American people they can still trust her as the president of this nation. 

Brazil taken out of commission

The latest victim whose name was discovered in Hillary Clinton's emails and who is now finding herself without a job is CNN's political analyst Donna Brazile.

Today she is a former employee of CNN after Hillary's leaked emails conveyed she had given Clinton the questions she would be asked at a CNN-held candidate event, according to the New York Times.

This was the same woman who became Hillary's interim chairwoman in July, temporarily stepping away from CNN to do so. CNN spokesperson, Lauren Pratapas, announced today the network has accepted Brazile's resignation. Pratapas continued with her statement saying that the network was "completely uncomfortable" after finding out about Brazile's "interactions" with Hillary's campaign.

Here's the questions

CNN did state that they never gave Brazile access to the same type of material that she allegedly handed to Hillary before she was asked those questions on-air.

This announcement followed the newest email dump via WikiLeaks. One of the emails showed that Brazile sent an email to Hillary's camp warning her about one of the questions she'll be asked at an event in Flint, Michigan. Brazile conveyed that the question will come from a "woman with a rash." This is a woman whose family has been poisoned by lead and she is basically going to ask Hillary what she will do for Flint's pollution problem.

Huma thrown under the bus

Those questions were asked of Hillary, just like Brazile said they would be while she was at the podium in Flint. Huma Abedin is also missing form the campaign trail. She was someone who was basically attached to Hillary's hip since the campaign started.

Whispers are getting louder describing how she's lawyered up and ready for what is to come. Many media outlets are suggesting today that Hillary may just throw Huma under the bus, as seen on the Market Oracle website.

Huma is the estranged wife of Anthony Weiner and it was on his laptop that over 600,000 emails were found that the FBI believe contained something serious enough to reopen Hillary Clinton's email investigation. Huma was taken under Hillary Clinton's wing a few years back and now the future of Huma's career is looking pretty grim.

Tarmac meeting cast dark cloud over Lynch

Even Loretta Lynch, the Attorney General of the United States, was once a widely respected woman in her field of law.

It took only one meeting on an airport tarmac with Bill Clinton for that to change. At the time Hillary was under the FBI investigation and not long after that meeting it was announced that basically she was cleared and wouldn't be charged. Today Lynch is looked at suspiciously for where her allegiance lies. While she is still in her position, if Hillary doesn't win the election Lynch probably won't enjoy any type of job security under a Trump administration.