America is getting ready to welcome a new President at the helm of affairs. He would be Joe Biden who used to be vice president to Barack Obama. The baton of the White House will pass on from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party. President-elect Joe Biden has his work cut out. Within his first 10 days in office, he plans to undo the legacy of Trump and issue executive orders. Topics including rejoining the Paris climate agreement and action on the coronavirus pandemic are on the list. On the subject of coronavirus, executive actions would be on reopening schools and businesses.

There would also be federal health guidelines apart from widening the access to testing. Details on policies and other measures would be announced subsequently.

Independent UK adds that the attention of Joe Biden is also on reuniting families separated by federal law enforcement at the US-Mexico border. His policies would tackle various topics directed towards the betterment of society. Incoming chief of staff Ron Klain said -“While the policy objectives in these executive actions are bold, I want to be clear: the legal theory behind them is well-founded and represents a restoration of an appropriate, constitutional role for the president.”

Problems Joe Biden has to face

Ron Klain outlines some of the challenges before President-elect Joe Biden, the 46th President of the United States.

These are in brief the coronavirus crisis coupled with the virus related economic crisis apart from the climate crisis and the racial equity crisis. Each of these require urgent action. Independent UK says Joe Biden has already announced a stimulus package of $1.9 trillion to boost the economy. It would also make available some sort of additional relief to Americans during the public health crisis.

The death toll in the United States is nearly 400,000 and economic fallout from the pandemic affect many others. The aim of the new administration would be to “restore America’s place in the world.”

Joe Biden to take over from twice-impeached president Trump

Joe Biden was one of several candidates of the Democratic Party who wanted the nomination to contest against Donald Trump.

There were multiple contenders in the fray and Joe Biden became the chosen one to deny Trump another term in the White House. He has done just that and won the election. Twice-impeached Republican president Trump claimed voter fraud but there was no evidence to substantiate his claims. He is finally on his way out. It follows a deadly insurrection at the Capitol mounted by his supporters. Independent UK goes on to add that a number of administration officials and staffers left their posts after the Capitol riots. It was an incident condemned by world leaders and tarnished the image of the United States.

Rebuilding the image of America is important for Joe Biden

Incoming chief of staff Klain is hopeful that America will soon be moving in the right direction under the leadership of President-elect Joe Biden.

He has plans to sign a number of executive orders on day one, once he takes over his presidency. There could be a dozen of the orders. He has identified his priority and it covers topics like racism and inequality, travel ban, climate change and coronavirus. Joe Biden selected Kamala Harris as his running mate and she will now be the vice President. Biden will take the oath of office Wednesday. President Trump said he would not attend but Vice President Mike Pence could be there. In June, Joe Biden was worried that Trump might refuse to leave the White House if he lost. Security is on alert and states have deployed their National Guards to Washington to maintain peace and preempt any potential unrest.