As Congress gets set to vote on a bipartisan spending bill, Donald Trump is thrilled with the idea of getting funding for his border wall. In a late-night tweet, the president decided to brag while taking a shot at the Democratic Party in the process.

Trump on spending bill

Since Donald Trump was sworn into office back in January 2017, the political divide in Washington has only grown by the day.

The tension appeared to reach a fever pitch earlier this year when Democrats and Republicans were unable to come to an agreement on spending which led to a short-term government shutdown. Despite this, both sides have appeared to find enough common ground to keep the government open. As reported by The Hill on March 21, the House of Representatives is set to vote and likely pass a $1.3 trillion budget on Thursday afternoon.

In response to the news, Donald Trump decided to send out a pair of tweets on Wednesday night bragging about what he was able to get in the deal, while calling out the Democrats for not giving him the rest of what he wanted.

"Got $1.6 Billion to start Wall on Southern Border, rest will be forthcoming. Most importantly, got $700 Billion to rebuild our Military, $716 Billion next year...most ever," Trump tweeted out. "Had to waste money on Dem giveaways in order to take care of military pay increase and new equipment," he added.

In a follow-up tweet just minutes later, Donald Trump doubled down on his attack on the Democratic Party. "Democrats refused to take care of DACA. Would have been so easy, but they just didn’t care," Trump wrote, while adding, "I had to fight for Military and start of Wall."

Instant backlash

As expected, those who oppose Donald Trump didn't waste anytime hitting back at his tweet. "And how much of that $1.6 billion is Mexico paying for?

Thought so!" one tweet read.

"Why isn't Mexico paying for your dumba** wall? LIAR!" a Twitter user wrote. "1.6 billion is going to build how many miles of the wall exactly? This bill s*cks," another tweet added. "You literally don’t know what’s in this Omnibus do you? Working on your 3rd government shutdown there dude," a follow-up tweet noted.

"Use the money to help homeless vets you piece of garbage. Think about others not talk," a social media user stated. "So what is the deficit at now about $5 TRILLION??? We LOVE are the KING of one loves debt more than you. But America is NOT your failed casinos to play with," another tweet read.