One of the biggest stories to dominate the news in 2017 has been Russia's impact on the 2016 presidential election. After Kellyanne Conway dismissed the current investigation during an interview on Fox News, critics lashed out in return.

Conway on Russia

During Donald Trump's entire campaign for president, questions were raised as to what his possible relationship was with Russia.

While the former host of "The Apprentice" was quick to criticize and insult his political opponents, as well as many world leaders, he refrained from speaking out against Russia, and often took time to offer mild praise for Vladimir Putin. In the two and half years during the election, and since his inauguration, Trump has been quick to deny any wrongdoing despite evidence that has linked several of his former and present associates back to the Kremlin. As it currently stands, special counsel Robert Mueller has indicted multiple Trump associates, including former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn agreeing to a guilty plea for lying to the FBI.

These issues were discussed during a December 7 interview on Fox News with Kellyanne Conway in the backdrop of the growing wildfires in Los Angeles and other parts of Southern California.

Joining Fox News host Sean Hannity on Thursday night was Presidential Counsel Kellyanne Conway who took a shot at the mainstream media for their alleged obsession over the Russian investigation that she believes is not a big issue. "They set a trap for themselves," Conway said of the media. "They've been so obsessed for a year plus with, what they consider to be, an important investigation," she said, before adding, "They've been talking about Russia, not America."

Kellyanne Conway then turned her attention to Hillary Clinton, smearing the former Democratic nominee for continuing to speak out against Donald Trump.

"Hillary Clinton, she already has every advantage possible," Conway said. "She has all the king's horses and all the king's men," the presidential counsel continued. "Donald Trump won on the issues. He was a much better, brilliant communicator and messenger," she concluded.

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With the Southern California fires blazing in the video screen beside her, Kellyanne Conway's critical remarks about the Russian investigation and Hillary Clinton didn't go over well with critics. "Kellyanne engulfed by raging flames on Fox News has made the ole Metaphor Machine malfunction," one tweet read.

"Most times i wonder what world she lives in," another Twitter user added. "Yeah, they should be talking about the wild fire we have now in San Diego.

Not the stupid Russia story when clearly we see no evidence of collusion. Move to Russia if you love them so much," an additional tweet stated.

"The irony is the split screen," yet another post pointed out. The backlash continued as critics showed no signs of ending their attacks on Kellyanne Conway and the rest of the administration.