On Friday, November 24 Nancy Pelosi issued a statement after the announcement of a bipartisan resolution that would require all Members of the House of Representatives, staff, interns, and detailees to undergo anti-harassment and anti-discrimination training.

In her statement, she specifically pointed to Congresswoman Jackie Speier, who “has led the way for us on this critical issue and continues to do so as the lead Democratic sponsor of the resolution.”

Nancy Pelosi Twitter post

Nancy Pelosi posted her statement to Twitter, accompanying it with her own comment which read, “Congress must do more to address Sexual Harassment on Capitol Hill.

We need a bipartisan effort to put an end to the days of secret settlements paid for by taxpayer dollars.”

Twitter reacted mainly in the negative, with accusations that if she already knew about the secret settlements, why had she taken so long to speak out about them?

Hitting back hard, Twitter user Thompson wrote, “An appropriation for SETTLEMENTS OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT became part the budget for Congress because YOU voted for it. Don't give us this crap as if you had no idea. Save that for @CNN."

Another user pointed out that they had counted, “73 cases settled while you were speaker."

There was an immediate retort that Pelosi would not want that recalled.”Oops, she didn’t want that remembered!” said Ed.

Deplorable_Me was simply furious, referring to the secrecy of the conference with Soros that she was involved in. “Like you give 2s about this country and the people in it. GLOBALIST TRAITOR!!”

Others point out the hypocrisy of Pelosi

“Well.. first thing Congress can do, is have all of the Democrats resign, that will take care of 90% of the problem right there,” said one user. Another asked, “How long have you known about this fund? You did nothing?

Meanwhile, one of the most telling commentators wrote, “Why don't YOU start as the leader of your party and tell Al Franken to take a walk? Why aren't you screaming off the top of your lungs about a man who comes to work in his underwear and pajamas?

What great fake leader are you? Way to show bold and new. Great advertisement for GOP.”

There were many similar remarks, once again focussing on secrecy, “Nancy you recently attended a secret meeting with George Soros in Carlsbad, CA - mind sharing why this was a secret?”

And yet another recalled the Bill Clinton cases writing, “Who started this disgrace?, Nancy, do u remember your friend Bill CLINTON in the Oval Office?”

The angry replies keep coming in. Most often it is Donald Trump who is being trolled and sniped at by his detractors on Social media, which mainstream media make much of. However, there are people out there who do want to Make America Great Again, who ask sensible questions of the Democrats – particularly those who call the kettle “black.”