News organizations like Cable News Network (CNN), and the Washington Post reports breaking news to the American people. But, Donald Trump has a problem with unbiased news reporting, he thinks some stories reported are "Fake News." For months, he had ruffled the feathers of the major U. houses. However, today CNN finally lost its patience with "The Donald."

Following many months of attack by President Trump with his ‘”fake news” tirade, CNN finally hits back. Taking an apparent dig at the president, the company released an advertisement depicting an elementary school setting.

The advert started out displaying an apple against an all-white background, accompanied by a voice-over portraying a patient schoolteacher explaining basic communication to a pre-schooler. The video highlights how the United States President would twist the truth around to suit his own agenda.

The 'Fake News' propaganda

For several months, in fact, before he even got through the doors of the White House, Trump started a no holds bar fight with the media houses. He had discredited mainstream media outlets like CNN, and the Washington Post, referring to them as fake news.” Trump accused them of propagating false news about his administration through social media platforms.

The advertisement seeks to mock Trump’s appropriation of the term and highlights a frequent ploy employed by the president.

According to the video, Donald Trump always criticizes negative news about him on his Twitter handle, quite often in all capital letters implicating his disgust against "fake news."

Collateral damage?

The persistent attacks on CNN may have dented its credibility with some, but the president hasn’t covered himself in glory either.

Some polls show that he is among the least favorite presidents in the history of the United States.

The Trump effect may have damaged CNN’s credibility; a recent poll ranked the station at 41%, the lowest of all major networks. Donald Trump's popularity, on the other hand, stands at a modest 36% according to a Gallup poll. Reportedly, as many as 58% of Americans expressed their disapproval of his performance.

Meanwhile, the CNN advert received mixed responses from several people. And while some have welcomed the "President slamming," many have spoken out against it. That includes both liberals and conservatives and many Twitter followers, who had taken shots at the viral video.