Former U.S. Congressman Anthony Weiner, 53, was ordered on 25 September, to serve a 21-month Prison sentence for criminal actions that evolved from when he sexted a 15-year-old high school student in 2016. On November 6, Weiner is slated to report to prison, according to federal prosecutors and the Washington Post. The disgraced New York politician admitted guilt in May, to transmitting “obscene material” to the girl, who was still in the process of obtaining a learner’s permit to drive, FOX 61 relayed.

Manhattan federal court Judge Denise Cote, Manhattan delivered Weiner’s sentence this morning. In addition to serving time in prison, Weiner must also surrender his iPhone, register as a sex offender, and pay a $10,000 fine.

Sex addicted ex-politician tells court he acted ‘immorally’

Prior to receiving his sentence, Weiner attempted to convince the judge that he was reformed and takes responsibility for his crime. He cried as he addressed Judge Cote, telling her, “I acted not only unlawfully but immorally,” the New York Times reported. He stated that he doesn’t fault prosecutors for doubting that he’s changed, but wanted the judge to believe he is different.

Judge Cote didn’t waver in concluding that Weiner’s criminal offense was serious and deserving of “serious punishment.” She acknowledged, though, that serial Sexting former New York Congressman is receiving “effective treatment for this disease” as a result of Sex Addicts Anonymous and group therapy. “I find,” Judge Cote noted, “he is making an enormous contribution to others who are suffering from sex addiction," according to the Times.

While weighing the benefits of Weiner attending treatment against his criminal conduct, the judge pointed out that his sex addiction is “a very strong compulsion. She referenced the fact that his behavior continued even after two “very public disclosures” and the loss of his political career on two separate occasions.

Judge Cote pointed to Weiner knowing that the girl was in high school “and getting her learner’s permit,” the Times reported.

In a letter that Weiner wrote to the court, he apologized to the teen, stating that he was “profoundly sorry,” the Washington Post wrote. He also deemed himself selfish and observed that there is no excuse “for what I did to her.”

Defense attorney’s ‘disappointed,’ but hope public service message well-received

Weiner’s defense attorneys stated that they are “disappointed” their client received a prison sentence, according to the Post. Devlin-Brown likened the judge’s sentencing of Weiner to a public service message – one that his lawyers said they hope is received. Still, they postulated that the “punishment is more severe” than what their client’s conduct warranted or would have received, if not for the notoriety, circumstances, or unusual facts involved in the case.

Weiner stayed seated between his defense lawyers Erin Monju and Arlo Devlin-Brown. He remained at the defense table when he slumped forward, seated in his chair, and sobbed with his face burrowed in his hands.

After Weiner left the federal courthouse, he climbed into the back seat of a Ford Escapade and scowled. His driver sped away without regard for red traffic lights in Manhattan, the New York Post reported. The driver reportedly “swerved” and blew through red lights while pedestrians were attempting to cross the street.