Donald Trump does not go on vacations. Why would he do such a thing when he thinks that there is no need for vacations and that the rest of his predecessors were wasting time when they took time off from their presidential duties. Donald's 17-day vacations are a totally different deal though because they're work vacations while the 'dump' of a White House is being renovated.

Trump heavily criticized Obama's vacations through his tweets, saying that Barack Obama has 'nice work ethic' after Obama played some golf and went for a ten-day vacation at Martha's Vineyard.

Apparently, Obama's vacations are totally uncalled for, unlike Trump's 17-day vacation after he publicly turned his back on transgenders throughout the United States.

Seems like Trump's vacation is more of an escape from the heat rather than recuperation after all that hard work he has been putting in during his time in Office.

Trump's meetings in New York

Around 6 am on Monday, Trump tweeted that he's working hard while at his golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey, and that he is not wasting any time during his 17-day vacation. In fact, he plans on going back to New York next week for some very - I repeat - very, important and presidential meetings.

Trump is already an unwanted presence in New Jersey, and in New York, his presence is equal to riots and marches.

Trump hasn't been back in New York City since he was inaugurated in January, but there have been many false alarms. Each time there was information that Trump was going to be back in the city, the people have been ready.

College students, in general, are quite adept at channeling their anger towards Donald Trump's home on 5th Avenue.

I personally am aware of several students who have successfully egged the president's home, and one of them even said that they witnessed a homeless man throwing his only shoe at Trump Tower.

New York's anger could increase cost of protection

It's not new that the initial possibility of Trump living in New York City while being president outraged the people.

Not only did it make the U.S president seem extremely uninterested in matters of State, but the cost of protecting the president's family in a place where the people were clearly unhappy with Trump would be a burden on the taxpayer's wallets.

Even now, the cost to protect Melania and Baron Trump who reside on Fifth Avenue is $127,000 to $146,000 a day, according to NYPD. If Trump was to visit town, the cost of protection is estimated to be around $308,000 a day.

If not out of fear for rampaging crowds and homeless people throwing shoes, Trump should keep himself out of the city for our already pretty hollow wallets.