The Garfield County sheriff, Jerry Niles, has had to get another attorney to handle the manslaughter case against him. Stephen Jones, the attorney who represented Timothy McVeigh, who was put to death for the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, is no longer represented the Garfield County sheriff. According to a July 25th report by Leighanne Manwarren from KWTV Channel 9 News in Oklahoma City, Sheriff Niles has hired M.

Eric Bayat to represent him. Bayat is an attorney based out of Oklahoma City.

How Anthony Huff died at the Garfield County jail

Niles, along with five employees of the Garfield County jail, have been indicted on the charge of second-degree manslaughter of Anthony Huff. Anthony Huff died while in custody at the Garfield County jail. Employees at the county jail found him unresponsive in a restraint chair and was declared dead.

According to the indictment, the mistreatment of Anthony Huff led to his death. In a report by the Enid News and Eagle, he allegedly had been left in the restraint chair for 30 hours.

During that time, Huff was not given adequate food and water. He was also not given medical treatment. It was even reported Anthony Huff soiled himself and was not allowed to change clothes. The indictment went on to say no one at the Garfield County Jail attempted to resuscitate Huff.

Timothy McVeigh's former attorney still involved in the case

Although Stephen Jones is no longer representing the Garfield County sheriff, Jerry Niles, he is still involved in the case. According to the previously mentioned report by Manwarren with KWTV Channel 9 News, Stephen Jones said he “temporarily represented” three of the six defendants. Jones went on to say he might continue to represent one of the defendants charged with second-degree manslaughter.

At the time of publication, it was unknown which of the other five defendants the former attorney for the Oklahoma City Bomber, Timothy Mcveigh, would possibly be representing.

Please let us know what you think. Do you think Stephen Jones quit representing Sheriff Jerry Niles? Do you think the Garfield County sheriff fired Timothy McVeigh's former attorney? What do you think of the treatment of Anthony Huff while in custody at the county jail? Are the sheriff and employees at the county jail responsible for the death of Anthony Huff? Feel free to share your thoughts and feelings regarding the story.