Army soldier Ikaika Erik Kang was arrested by the FBI for allegedly actively aiding ISIS. The active soldier was taken into custody in Hawaii after a year of surveillance for allegedly supporting ISIS and possibly supplying them with highly classified documents. The AP reported that "he is charged with attempting to provide material support or resources to a foreign terrorist organization." The Air traffic controller was ranked as a Sergeant First Class.

What else do we know so far?

Soldier Pro-ISIS, the allegations

The FBI alleged that active army soldier Kang had been under surveillance for over a year for his proactive stance on ISIS. The FBI alleged that Kang:

  • Researched ways to torture people
  • Supported the Orlando shooter's ideology
  • Believed Hiter was right about the mass killings of Jews
  • Had a collection of the ISIS news magazine Inspire
  • His computer held 16 currently secret classified documents and two others
  • He wanted to use a drone to help ISIS escape from U.S. Army tanks
  • Created a combat training video for ISIS to use to train combatants

Army soldier Ikaika Kang started military career young

Ikaika Erik Kang who grew up on the island of Oahu joined the military straight out of high school in December 2001, shortly after he graduated with honors.

He was a normal high school kid, although his father was cited by NBC as saying his son was a bit "introverted." Media have pointed out that he went into the military shortly after the 7/11 terror attacks in September that shook America, but there has been no confirmation that this was his motivation for choosing an army career.

Sergeant First Class Kang highly trained in combat

The military records of the accused ISIS sympathizer show that Kang held the rank of Sergeant First Class and that he was an air traffic controller at Wheeler Army Airfield. Nevertheless, the NBC reported that he was most "recently assigned to Schofield Barracks in Honolulu."

It should be assumed that this active army soldier was not just a desk driver, as he was also the holder of the Army's highest level of combat instructor training.

The FBI undercover operation has revealed that Kang allegedly used his training to "conduct military-style combat training for a person whom he believed to be a member of ISIS." He had actually been stung by the FBI and he even videotaped the training sessions so they could be used to train other ISIS combatants.

ISIS Sympathizer in the Army served in Iraq and Afghanistan

Sergeant Kang was assigned to the headquarters of the 25th Combat Aviation Brigade and served in Iraq and Afghanistan. His tour of duty in Iraq ran from March 2010 to February 2011 the Military Times reported. He later served from July 2013 to April 2014 in Afghanistan. NBC News tells us that after Kang was arrested on Saturday by an FBI SWAT team, he had access to an attorney.

His attorney, Birney Bervar, told NBC News on Monday that Kang "may have some service-related mental health issues which the government was aware of but neglected to treat."

Islam convert Kang wanted to fight for ISIS

According to a statement by the FBI, Kang told an undercover operative that he wanted to travel to Turkey to join ISIS in a combat role. According to NBC, Sergeant Kang chose Turkey as ISIS has a consulate there. He saw nothing wrong with joining ISIS even though he knew it was illegal. The FBI quoted him as saying, "People still say it's illegal to join them, but the way I look at it is they're just fighting people who are committing genocide there. I'm just going to go there ...

and fight these guys who are committing genocide."

Kang was not just talking about it and the allegations are that he was arrested after he swore a pledge of loyalty to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, and said he wanted to kill "a bunch of people," NBC reported.

Army sergeant family knew he had converted to Islam

NBC spoke to Kang's father, Clifford, who said he knew that his son had converted to Islam, but even though he discussed the Koran with his family, he never came across as radical. He told the NBC that he was "shocked" when he was informed of the charges against his son.

The Islam convert, who allegedly took classified documents, made a training video for ISIS and swore allegiance to the enemy of the United Sates.

He appeared in a federal court on Monday and will be held in until Thursday when he will appear before a detention hearing. Ikaika Erik Kang's preliminary hearing on his charges of Material Support of the Enemy is set for 24 July.