It's no secret that Donald Trump has used Twitter as his number one form of communication over the last two years, but it appears that his strategy is rubbing off on other members of his team. On Saturday morning, Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted one of the more bizarre messages seen in some time.

Twitter confusion

When Donald Trump first announced his campaign for president back in June 2015, he quickly got on the wrong side of the majority of the media when he referred to illegal immigrants from Mexico as "rapists" and "murderers." The press reacted harshly to the former host of "The Apprentice," planting the seed that eventually grew into the current rift between both sides.

As a way to get around dealing with reporters, Trump took to social media and used Twitter as his number one form of communication. While the president has used Twitter on an almost daily basis, other members of his administration have done the same. Presidential Counsel Kellyanne Conway has used social media to voice her opinions, while most recently Donald Trump Jr. went on a lengthy tweetstorm during the James Comey testimony in Congress. However, as seen during an early morning tweet on June 10, Sarah Huckabee Sanders sent out an odd message.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who serves as the deputy White House Press Secretary, has been in the spotlight more often over the last month as the pressure and controversy continues to surround Sean Spicer.

However, on Saturday morning Sanders tweeted a message that many wonder if it was done by accident.

Attaching various emojis, including anchors, stoplights, castles and maps, the second in like for press secretary also tweeted out ":/9//&" and "lolaklkk." As expected, critics of the president didn't hold back.

Twitter reacts

Not long after sending out her emoji-filled tweet, social media users were quick to offer their response.

"Having trouble translating this into its native Russian," Stephen Grant tweeted out.

"This is the most coherent statement to come from the Trump administration," David Blaustein wrote on Twitter.

"And with this tweet Sarah Huckabee Sanders because The Press Secretary of the United States," Tony Posnanski added.

"It's hieroglyphics - if we study it carefully we will find the meaning of COVFEFE," an additional tweet read. As the backlash continued, it was clear that the partisan divide in the country was not coming to an end anytime soon.