Prime Minister Teresa May has called the latest London terrorist Attack a “perversion of Islam”. She is responding to the events that unfolded on the night of June 3, when a van ran into pedestrians on London Bridge, before continuing into the Borough Market.

So far 7 people have died as a result of the attacks, and more than 50 have been counted as injured. The three men who appear to be responsible were shot dead by armed police officers and were carrying 12 inch long knives which were used to stab a transit police officer to death.

They were reported as shouting “this is for Allah!”

Another deadly attack

The UK has seen rising terrorist activity over the last few months, and this will be the third loss of life to terrorism in as many months. The first attack in this series was remarkably similar and was carried out in broad daylight in front of Parliament in central London.

Prime Minister May said that “Defeating this ideology is one of the great challenges of our time,”. Given the recent surge in violence and the upcoming elections in the UK, it would appear that this will be a topic that is at the forefront of the public mind.

This time police were called to London Bridge at 10:08 pm on June the 3rd where they encountered a scene of pandemonium. The attackers were quickly found in the Borough Market, and by 10:16 all three had been killed. While the attack ended quickly, the damage that it has done will be long felt in the UK.

There has been an outpouring of support from around the world in the aftermath of this attack, and people everywhere are aghast to see what is happening to the great city of London.

A terrible trend

This attack comes on the heels of the heart-wrenching Manchester bombing, which left 23 concert goers dead. The attack was carried out by a young Muslim, who was a British national. What is perhaps the most chilling thing about this recent trend of terrorist acts, the fact that the first two were committed by British-born men.

The identities of the three men in the latest attack haven't been disclosed yet, it would fit in the emerging pattern if they were, in fact, of British nationality. There has been no evidence of any connection between the first two attacks, and given the shock in the British community, details may take time to emerge.

There have been no claims of responsibility from any known terrorist group so far, and a police investigation is ongoing in the UK.