Former NBA player Dennis Rodman suddenly claimed responsibility of convincing the entire North Korean government to release Otto Warmbier. Rodman said this in his Good Morning America interview on Friday.

Did Rodman actually convince Kim to release Otto?

According to the U.S. government and Warmbier's family, Rodman had no part in the release of the detained American student.

However, Rodman alluded and claimed to have a part in convincing North Korea to release Otto, who was imprisoned on 2016. Rodman, however, said that he was not aware of the condition of Otto.

During his interview on ABC's Good Morning America he talked about his travels to the hermit kingdom and apparently praising its beauty, which he said is seldom seen by outsiders, He said that North Korea is now a modernized and civilized country under Kim, who Rodman calls "friend for life."

Rodman visited North Korea in the midst of the growing tension in the area. He hoped to help in diffusing the tension and be the panacea to the impasse in diplomacy between Pyongyang and Washington.

Rodman added that during his trip, he asked North Korea for a "release" of some type of show of good faith. He interpreted Otto's release as the answer to his request, which made him very happy. However, the U.S. government clearly stated that Rodman had no part in the release of Otto.

What is the real reason for Otto's death?

Pyongyang is adamant that Otto Warmbier was not tortured while imprisoned in North Korea. The circulating news was condemned by Pyongyang and accused South Korea of spreading lies of the torturous conditions Otto experience while detained. North Korea stated that Otto suffered a stroke after getting botulism, which resulted in him being brain damaged. They do not accept the reports that Otto's condition resulted from the inhuman conditions he was subjected to.

Otto's remains did not undergo an autopsy, mainly due to the request of family members. However, this scandal has fueled rising anti-Pyongyang sentiments in many countries, especially in the U.S. The resentment over North Korea is growing day by day.

The United States Navy had just deployed the USS Nimitz to the Korean peninsula to further enforce the U.S. presence in the area. However, North Korea vows to continue working on its ballistic and nuclear program and attack the western world through the help of Kim Jong-Un's "superhuman" powers.