Trump's dismissal of FBI director James Comey triggered a heated reaction from Democrats, but also from some Republicans who thought this move was an attempt to conceal evidence of the President's connection with Russia. The FBI officer stated that even senior staff did not have any cancellation information and that everyone was caught up in the new situation.

Two former FBI officials said that temporary director Andrew McCabe would most likely not be trump's choice for the new director.

Trump must choose the new Fbi Director, and then his decision must be approved by the Senate.

One of the possible candidates for this position is Dana Boente, a lawyer at the Ministry of Justice and a former deputy state prosecutor. Another candidate is a Republican Trey Gowdy, a former prosecutor conducting an investigation into the Hillary Clinton Congress and its role in attacks on the US Consulate in Libya in 2012.

Trump's allies during the campaign were former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Milwaukee County Clerk Sheriff, but FBI officials claim that both would be too politically oriented candidates for a position that should be politically independent.

"The White House must avoid any link to politics if it wants a candidate to go to the Senate," one of the former FBI officials said.

Trump claims he did not order investigation

Boente was placed at the provisional position of the Russia Investigation Headquarters after Jeff Sessions, State Attorney, resigned because of his connections with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak.

Rod Rosenstein replaced Boente in this position last month when he was elected to the deputy state prosecutor by a Senate. Trump allegedly did not know that Rosenstein was investigating Comey until he had received his letter after he had decided to dismiss him.

Jeffrey Toobin about the new situation

CNN's The Situation Room yesterday hosted senior lawmaker Jeffrey Toobin, who expressed shock and disbelief at Trump's dismissal of the FBI director.

"This is a grotesque abuse power of the president of the United States. These things take place in the undemocratic society. When the investigation comes to the president or leaders in a non-democratic society, then they release the people who conducted the investigation," said Toobin. "I have not seen anything like this since October 20, 1973, when Nixon dismissed Archbishop Cox's attorney."

When asked by Wolf Blitzer, if Trump has the right to dismiss the FBI director, Toobin replied that he had, but immediately asserted that this is a purely political move without a doubt, especially after Trump dismissed all of those who conducted the investigation about his relationship with Russia.

"This is a pure contrast to the way American law should function," Toobin added.