The Pentagon chief spokesperson Dana White said in a written statement that President Donald Trump had authorized a shipment of arms to the Kurds on Monday. She further added that Trump's approval had given the Pentagon the go-ahead to arm Kurdish elements of the Syrian Democratic Force (SDF) so that a clear victory would be achieved over ISIS in the battle for Raqqa. This city is the de-facto capital ISIS in Northern Syria. Turkey is not at all happy with this development. The reason is that the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) has been fighting the Turkish Army since 1984.

The Turks feel that the YPG has a close association with the Kurdistan Workers Party. Turkey's Deputy Prime Minister Nurettin Canikli has termed the giving of weapons to the Kurds as "unacceptable." This news has been reported by Al Jazeera channel.

Turkey and the Kurds

Turkey is facing an insurrection by Kurds. They are asking for an independent state. The Kurds also form part of the populations in both Syria and Iraq. The Turks feel all Kurds are their enemies and have been attacking Kurds in Syria and Iraq. The Kurds have a strong association with the USA and are among their staunchest allies.

Battle for Raqqa

The battle for Raqqa is moving forward, and the Kurds have played a major role in the defeat of ISIS.

Turkey has been attacking the Kurds at a number of places in Syria and Iraq. This necessitated the United States to give heavier weapons to their allies, the Kurds, to defend themselves. At the same time Sean Spencer, the White House press secretary, reiterated that the USA wants to help its ally Turkey. The Turks are, however, not impressed.

Americans and Kurds

The battle in Syria is in a fluid state, and the Americans cannot do without the Kurds. They are their staunchest allies and arming them, despite the opposition from Turkey, was a foregone conclusion. The Turkish army is inside Syria, but it has little to show for its efforts. Erdogan is also unhappy with the USA for not handing over Fethullah Gulen, who he accuses of masterminding the last coup.

The preacher is in the USA and a source of friction. Trump has reached out to Erdogan but considerations of geopolitics are not going to stop him from arming the Kurds.

Turkey is looking for ways to neutralize the YPG. They feel they are linked with the PKK. Turkey does not have the firepower to execute its plan. This is now more difficult with the USA giving them more lethal and heavier weapons.