It happened at the San Ramon Valley High School, when a 17-year-old female student made a video of a fellow 16-year-old student urinating in the girls’ bathroom at the school. She later posted the cell phone video to Instagram. The video in question was originally made in November, but was posted to Instagram in April and the girls’ parents reported it to the school the next day.
Three-day suspension for making the video of the student urinating
The only punishment suffered by the perpetrator of the video after the teenager confessed was a three-day suspension from school.
Now the bullied girl’s parents, Sean and Denise Lynch, are pleading with the school district to do something about the situation. They say their daughter’s grades have dropped and her eating patterns have changed in the aftermath of her ordeal. However, the 17-year-old girl who took the video is reportedly a star athlete at the school and following her suspension was allowed to stay on her team and to participate in a recent championship game.
Parents of girl filmed urinating tell school 'do something'
— ABC News (@ABC) May 28, 2017
Teenager constantly reliving the experience
As reported by the East Bay Times, Denise Lynch said in a speech to the school district board Tuesday that her daughter is suffering.
She said the girl who committed the crime against her daughter is always present on campus, causing the teenager to relive the experience over and over again.
The 16-year-old’s father Sean is a former police lieutenant. He went on to tell the school board that if the crime had happened in a public place, the person who took the video and posted it to Instagram would be behind bars.
He added that if they were convicted, they could possibly have to register as a sex offender. Lynch added that if their daughter hadn’t told them about the incident, or had even killed herself as some bullied teens have done, people would be asking what more they could have done.
Now both parents are requesting that the school district “do their job.”
Second controversial incident at the San Ramon Valley High School
According to the East Bay Times, this is the second controversy related to the San Ramon Valley High School this week. Reportedly earlier in the week, a video made by one of the students for the campaign for school president was considered to be hateful and anti-Muslim. However, the teen boy in question went on to win the election to serve as student body president. Reportedly 200 students walked out of class on Friday in protest against that video. According to the Lynchs, school district officials also failed to respond correctly to that incident.
'Terror' video student's attorney, parents speak out #danville
— Angela E. Ruggiero (@Aeruggie) May 23, 2017
Elizabeth Graswich, a spokeswoman for the school district refused to give details of the incident, citing student privacy. She went on to say that the school district is committed to protecting their students, adding that there is a policy in place that prohibits Bullying of students.