After just under 80 days in the White House, Donald Trump has been facing an onslaught of non-stop criticism. Recent reports have claimed that a major shake-up is about to take place, but the White House is in full denial mode.

Conway on Trump

Earlier this week, Donald Trump decided to remove Chief Strategist Steve Bannon from his spot on the National Security Counsel. The move triggered Bannon to the point that he was ready to quit on the spot, but eventually reconsidered.

Despite this, Bannon, and others, might soon be on the way out of the White House anyway. According to various sources, including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and Axios, Trump is seriously considering pulling the plug on Bannon, as well as current Chief of Staff Reince Priebus. While Bannon has been considered Trump's right-hand man, the former Breitbart News CEO has not been on the same page with Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, who is expected to win out in the argument if it came down to the president choosing between the two. In regards to Priebus, the president has reportedly not been pleased with the job he's down since the start of the administration, and puts much of the blame on him for the failure of the GOP health care reform bill not gaining traction in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives.

After the report broke, the White House released a statement dismissing the allegations, which was on display with Presidential Counsel Kellyanne Conway during a April 7 interview on Fox News.

(Conway's comments start at 00:30 in the above video.)

During an interview on Fox News on Friday night, Kellyanne Conway did her best to put a spin on the latest news of total chaos in the White House. "I think stories like that do not help the president. I think some stories are made to distract from the success he's had this week," Conway said, before making sure to note that Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch was finally confirmed in the Senate after Republicans used the nuclear option.

"Donald Trump as a businessman and certainly as president of the United States surrounds himself with a diverse group of people who are brilliant who have different expertise," Kellyanne Conway went on to say.

"This is a man who's very comfortable receiving different insights and different inputs from people," she continued, before claiming Trump "never surrounded himself with a bunch of 'yes men.'" After being pressed on whether or not Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus were going to keep their jobs, Conway replied, "I assume so, that's up to Donald Trump."

Next up

While it's unknown what moves, if any, Donald Trump will make in the weeks to come, it appears that there is dissension in the ranks at the White House. After less than three months in power, the billionaire real estate mogul is struggling to keep his team on the same page.