The Washington Post in a damning news report has revealed that employees at a G-III-contracted factory in china which made apparels for Ivanka Trump-owned company had workers working for more than 60 hrs in dismal conditions and are paid just $62 per week.
The newspaper was quoting audit by the watchdog group Fair Labor Association. Worse it was just half of what an average Chinese worker made.
G-III Apparel Group has exclusive rights to sell Trump’s branded clothing line.
Ironically the report came on the same day when Ivanka Trump was talking about the need to support families and the importance of female entrepreneurs. The Labor Watchdog had cited more than 24 counts of violations of labor standards.
Labor Watchdog, Fair Labor Association, investigated a factory which employed 80 workers under an agreement with an apparel group which was licensed to sell Ivanka Trump's brand. The inspectors after an exhaustive tour of the facility in October found that workers were working in severe conditions but had a high turnover and were paid wages far below the minimum wages stipulated by China.
The workers were also working for hour’s far excess than specified by Chinese labor laws. Neither were the workers being given any pension, housing or medical benefits. The workers were allowed just five paid leaves per year.
However, there are dissenting voices also and people who feel that the wages may not be that bad. It is possible that these factories are located in lower tier cities instead of a big metropolis like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, etc. It also brings into fore the sheer hypocrisy of subsequent governments in the US which loudly touts about ethics but has never ensured steps to prevent such practices.
A few years ago a big hue and cry were made about how workers at Foxconn which makes Apple devices were paid far less salary and perks than their compatriots in the US.
Nothing much came out of that, and after a few days, the issue lost relevance and interest.
Papa Trump calls for goods to be made in America, daughter’s apparel brand continue to be made in China
The Trump brand is primarily made in China and locations across Pakistan and India. G-III has been audited seven times and has been found wanting every time. Sales for the Ivanka Trump collection swelled by $17.9 million during the year that ended Jan. 31, G-III reported, despite widely publicized boycotts.
In spite of big noises made by President Trump to companies to make their products in the USA, his daughter’s branded apparels continue to be made in China and land on US markets.