Readers of the official emails from Donald trump's White House are always looking forward to what they will read in it every day. Those subscribed are either supporters or haters of the Trump administration. But whatever is their stand, one thing is certain- everyone wants to know what is going on. Hence, it is expected that many people are waiting for their daily emails from the White House.
But what happens if they send out an email with a content that actually discusses something against the Trump administration? This is exactly what happened on Friday.
The part which features a selection of media reports wrongly included one satire piece.
Parody article promoted
The satire article was from the Washington Post written by humorist Alexandra Petri. The opinion piece is titled, "Trump's budget makes perfect sense and will fix America, and I will tell you why."
By reading the headline, one would think that it is indeed a story that supports the budget of Trump. But what the White House doesn't know is that it is actually the opposite of what the headline states.
The opinion mocks the budget of the Trump administration as it cut the financial allocations for foreign aid, UN funding and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). But it increased the budget for military and border security.
How people reacted
Although the link was deleted, many already got a screenshot of it which made rounds on the internet. Petri even posted on her Twitter account that even if the link is gone, "the memory will last a lifetime."
As a reaction to her story being shared by the White House, she wrote an article titled "How the White House made me Real News." She pointed out that there are two possible reasons why it was shared in the email.
They either liked the entire article or they did not read it and merely liked the title.
Many pointed out that the White House only read the headlines and not the entire article. Others find it funny that the administration hates fake news but it just shared one on its "1600 Daily" newsletter email. Here is what people are saying on Twitter:
This was in today's email from the White House. So clearly, literally no one read the linked piece by @petridishes, did they?
— Molly Templeton (@mollytempleton) March 17, 2017
This White House clearly only reads the headlines of articles.
— Glenn Kessler (@GlennKesslerWP) March 17, 2017
.@KatyTurNBC & @petridishes at the end of a long week
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) March 17, 2017
aw, really?
— Alexandra Petri (@petridishes) March 17, 2017
but i was looking forward to becoming an APPROVED SOURCE of TRUE CORRECT NEWS