The Republican Party finally revealed their alternative to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) earlier this week, but the reception wasn't what they were hoping for. After the Congressional Budget Office also gave the GOP bad news, Twitter decided to create a new hashtag to shame Donald Trump and Republican's efforts.
Twitter on Trumpcare
Since the election of Barack Obama in 2008, Republicans have been in opposition to the former president's signature piece of legislation. After the former president signed Obamacare into law, his conservative counter-parts made repealing it their number one goal.
During his campaign for president, Donald Trump vowed to replace Obamacare, and with Republicans in control of Congress, it was only a matter of time before the time step was taken. Despite Trump and others promoting the new bill, it's received harsh criticism, including from some Republicans like Sen. Rand Paul. On March 17, Twitter users used a new hashtag to voice their thoughts on what is now known as "Trumpcare."
#TrumpcareIsWorseThan trump's Oval Office snub of the Merkel handshake. Made a handy guide for the buffoon's next grab.
— BrooklynDad_Defiant! (@mmpadellan) March 17, 2017
Using the hashtag "TrumpCareisworsethan," Twitter users mocked and trolled the Republican heath care alternative.
"#TrumpcareIsWorseThan trump's Oval Office snub of the Merkel handshake. Made a handy guide for the buffoon's next grab," one social media user wrote, in reference to the Donald Trump's earlier meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the White House on Friday.
#TrumpcareIsWorseThan Melania's face when she's trying to pretend she likes Trump
— Schmeg (@Adsgirl26) March 17, 2017
#TrumpcareIsWorseThan Trump university...
— WomenStopTrump (@WomenStopTrump) March 17, 2017
Another Twitter user wrote that he GOP replacement was worse than "all Donald's previous failures combined; bankruptcies, divorces, draft dodging, etc." Another tweet wrote that Trumpcare was even worse than "his approval ratings...35% and dropping." Not stopping there, a tweet also said that the Republican Health Care Bill even topped "the egregious spelling on these trumpflake protest signs." Other messages used memes to express their outrage, including in relation to the Trump University lawsuit and the "The Simpsons."
#TrumpcareIsWorseThan the egregious spelling on these trumpflake protest signs.
— BrooklynDad_Defiant! (@mmpadellan) March 18, 2017
#TrumpcareIsWorseThan Dr Nick
— brooqs (@Brooqs) March 17, 2017
#TrumpcareIsWorseThan Dr Nick
— brooqs (@Brooqs) March 17, 2017
Trump vs CBO
The non-partisan CBO found that by the year 2026, as many as 28 million people would lose their health insurance if the Republican plan was signed into law That number, added to the already uninsured, will leave close to 52 million Americans without any health coverage. As expected, Donald Trump and Republicans leaders have pushed back at those numbers, promising that their replacement will be a positive for the American people.