This week, both Congress and the POTUS started the arduous process of overhauling Obamacare. Republicans are using an 'out with the old and in with the new approach,' while the Democrats rage against any healthcare change, regardless of the change. With all eyes and ears intently focused on the American healthcare situation it is easy to overlook the rest of the story occurring within the White House.
The White House beat goes on
Though Republicans used the elimination and replacement of the Affordable Care Act as a lead issue throughout the election, it has no rank and is not listed among the six issues most relevant to the White House today.
Instead, the POTUS offers details about putting American energy first, ensuring that foreign policy targets American interests, solidifying United States job growth and job retention, creating a strong, dominant military, strengthening America's support for law enforcement, and ensuring that trade deal negotiations are favorable for the United States. Revamping healthcare isn't on the list. Doesn't make the cut.
While the world focuses on healthcare, the White House has also held a National Economic Council listening session, signed an executive order relative to foreign terrorists entry into the United States, proclaimed March 5th to March 11th as National Consumer Protection week, supported the passage of HR1301 Department of Defense Appropriations Act, and last and perhaps least, announced the 2017 White House Easter Egg Roll.
While the public casts a watchful eye
The overwhelming majority of the comments made by Press Secretary Sean Spicer as well as questions asked of him during today's White House press briefing targeted healthcare. With the battles looming between the Democrats and Republicans as well as the internal struggles among the Republican membership regarding the current and future status of Obamacare, it is easy to focus all attention on just one issue.
However, the POTUS is not doing so. He has significant experience with juggling many more than one issue at a time. Thus, Congress and the American public must do the same.