Donald trump is a showman who is at his best when performing before an audience. His address to Congress brought out all his qualities as an orator. The former reality star and businessman has come a long way from the time he announced his candidature for the White House. He won despite all the machinations of the press and persons from his own party who were opposed to him. He had once likened himself to a boxer who goes into a fight with the referee biased against him. His only option was KO victory and this he did.

Donald is barely a month into his presidency, and he has done enough to justify that he will do what he had promised on the election trail.

One may or may not agree with the agenda of Donald, but one can't deny that he is a showman par excellence. Probably this speech would have given him great confidence, and he will be able to carry his out of box solutions forward.

Enthralling the audience

Donald struck the right chords when he addressed Congress. His decision to get the widow of the slain war hero Chief Ryan was a master stroke, and it hit the right vibrations with his audience. He talked about everything good.

He talked about making America great, getting more jobs, fighting ISIS and keeping America safe. Can anybody fault him for all this? Certainly not as Donald at that moment looked more the statesman than the rabble-rouser which the press had painted him.

A man with his own mind

He showed that he is a man who goes by his instincts. He disregarded the opinion of McMaster on not using the term radical Islamic terrorism and made a telling point.

Flanked at the back by the speaker Paul Ryan and Vice President Pence, the stage was set for a great oratorical performance. At that time the attacks on him by Hollywood and the likes of Senator Issa looked churlish.

This is the quality of the man who when he addresses a crowd creates a magical spell. One can recollect his last speech in Florida where he pulled a man from the crowd on the stage and thrilled all.


Donald is now into a honeymoon period, and it is imperative he build on it. He has set the ball rolling and hopefully he may do something great for America.