The biggest story to dominate the news cycle since the election of Donald Trump has been over what impact Russia had on to 2016 presidential election. As evidence continues to be released, the Trump administration has been in denial, while getting support from Fox News in the process.

Fox News on Trump

Starting from the early days of his presidential campaign, Donald Trump has been forced to hit back at multiple reports linking him and his associates to Russia.

Whether it's his advisers communicating with Russian officials, or his refusal to release his tax returns, speculation about Trump's ties to the Kremlin have increased on a daily basis. The latest curve ball thrown into the story surrounding House Intelligence Chair Devin Nunes, who has come under fire for breaking protocol and revealing information from a pending investigation about Russia to the president. Democrats have called for Nunes to recuse himself from the investigation on grounds of being to partisan, but the Repubican lawmaker has since refused. These issues, and more, were discussed during the March 29 edition of "Fox & Friends" on Fox News.

(Remarks about wiretapping Trump over Russia start at 7:40 in the above video.)

During the Wednesday morning "Fox & Friends," co-hosts Brian Kilmeade and Steve Doocy did their best to back up the rhetoric coming from the White House, and spin the scandal onto the intelligence committee and the Democrats. Kilmeade first went on to praise Devin Nunes, labeling him as "unflappable," despite Democratic opposition. At this point, Doocy then cited an unconfirmed report from the Wall Street Journal that accused the intelligence community of setting a "trap" to target the administration.

"The Wall Street Journal also suggests that perhaps it sounds like the Trump transition team could have been targeted by something called reverse-targeting," Steve Doocy pointed out.

"They got a FISA order to watch the Russian ambassador just to see who in the Trump transition team might have contacted him," Doocy continued, before adding, "it was a trap, which is crazy."

Next up

As the controversy continues to surround Donald Trump and the White House over their alleged relationship with Russia, it appears as if the scandal has officially gone beyond Washington and into the cable news airwaves. The remarks made on "Fox & Friends" don't come as surprise considering Trump has repeatedly praised the network and program on more than one occasion, making Fox News his own personal media safe space.