As long as Brawny paper towels have been in existence, the picture on the package has been a man to represent strength and power. Just for one month only, the "Brawny Man" has stepped aside and the "Brawny Woman" is on the package. This is because March is Women's History Month.
March packaging
The temporary packaging during the month of March shows a woman dressed in a red and black flannel shirt just like the man wears when he is on the package. This is the second consecutive year parent company, Georgia-Pacific, has participated in the #StrengthHasNoGender initiative, but this is the first time the "Brawny Man" has been replaced on the packaging by the "Brawny Woman."
Frances Morgan, senior brand manager at Georgia-Pacific, said in a statement that the inspiration behind the initiative is that women and girls exhibit strength and resilience just like men.
While the "Brawny Woman" paper towels look good on the shelves and in homes, women groups would prefer if the packaging wasn't just only for the month of March. They say women are just as strong during the other eleven months. However, the limited-edition of the Brawny woman paper towel rolls are available only in March and only in Walmart stores in the United States.
Customers must purchase the paper towels in the eight-roll packages because the picture is not on the single paper towel. Instead, the picture is on the wrapping for the entire eight rolls.
Brawny is donating $75,000 to SMART, which is a program designed to nurture girls who are interested in careers in math, engineering, technology and science.
Kudos @Brawny on #StrengthHasNoGender for Woman History Month, love this campaign.
— Katharine Mobley (@KatharineMobley) March 3, 2017
People on social media have positive reactions to the campaign, and they love the slogan that "Strength has no gender." However, they wish the initiative would last much longer than just one month.
A suggestion was made that perhaps the company could keep both the "Brawny Man" and the "Brawny Woman." If that will ever happen, it would be interesting to see which paper towel would sell out faster. What do you think about a woman being on the paper towel packaging just for March?