April the giraffe is still keeping hundreds of thousands of people across the globe on watch as they anxiously await the big moment when she will finally give birth to her fourth calf at the Animal Adventure Park in New York.

Giraffe lovers continue keeping online watch for new baby

The vet update on Wednesday, March 8th reveals that April the giraffe remains in good spirits, is doing well, but, is still not in labor.

She is, however, progressing nicely according to the vet, but it is still unknown just when April's fans can expect her to go into labor. It has also been revealed by caregivers that April is showing signs of nearing labor like mammary development, a back end that has loosened, and an engorged, rounded belly.

Name April's baby contest to take place after birth

The zoo's star of the moment gave fans a bit of excitement for a while last night when she appeared to be pacing more than usual, holding her tail up for longer periods of time, looking as if she may have been pushing a bit more actively. Unfortunately, viewers who jumped back online, they were a little disappointed to find that April still had not delivered her calf.

However, the slow and steady pace has not deterred many fans from spending several hours at a time tuning in, chatting away with others as they watch and wait on, and on. The night group of viewers also appear to find humor and excitement along the way from a couple of rodents (mice or rats depending on the opinion of the group at the time) that have been making nightly visits under the door scavenging snacks from April's pen.

So what will become of April's calf after birth? Zookeepers answered that question, revealing that following the natural weaning process which takes anywhere from six to ten months the calf will be relocated to anther facility to join their giraffe breeding program. It was explained that keeping the calf at their facility would mean, depending on the sex, that either Oliver or April would have to be relocated (something that they do not want to do) to avoid inbreeding.

So, there you have it, at this time it continues to be a waiting game until nature decides that it is time for April and Oliver's baby to make their appearance. The Animal Adventure Park first began streaming April the Giraffe on Feb. 23 on YouTube, sparking giraffe fever. There is also a GoFundMe campaign that has been launched to offset the annual care of the giraffes that has raised nearly $45,000 in the past two weeks.