Hillary Clinton may be hitting the town at Broadway plays, but she is still keeping one eye on Donald trump. Hillary keeps tabs on the man who is now living her dream, and a recent report summing up how Trump spent his time during his first month in office was of some interest to Hillary.

Quiet jabs

While her jabs at Trump never mention his name, for her to retweet this report speaks volumes.

The graph that was assigned to this report indicates that Trump spent 25 hours on the golf course in his first 30 days in office.

Working the green

Trump, who has been on the green six times in a month, might have had some fun, but he also golfed with a world leader. As most business people know, the golf course is often better than a board room when it comes to doing business. There's no denying he is a business expert, so chances are that the foundation for some business deal was built while swinging those clubs.

As you can see in the Tweet below, the graph gives a great visual as to how Trump has spent his time in the first month of his presidency.

According to the BBC, it was Hillary's retweet of the graph that brought attention to Trump's time playing golf and it looks as though his critics are trying to make a political handicap out of Trump's golf outings.

Not the same

Trump was very critical of the amount of time President Obama spent on the golf course. But Trump's criticism toward Obama's golf playing had a lot to do with what was going on at the time Obama was on the green. If there was an urgent event unfolding, chances are Trump would have passed up the golf games. Obama went golfing right after giving a speech about the brutal beheading of American journalist James Foley back in 2014, according to CNS News. This was seen as cold and callus by many at the time.

Golf has a time and place?

Trump hasn't taken to the golf course when something sad and tragic was going on in the nation, so there's really no comparison to Trump and Obama's golf outings when it comes to appropriateness.

Hillary's first jab

Earlier in the month Hillary also quietly tweeted the numbers "3-0." That was it, nothing else went along with that tweet, but it was an apparent jab at Trump over the court's immigration ruling, as reported byUSA Today at the beginning of the month.

It was a way for Hillary to gloat over Trump's loss with the court's ruling, which refused to reinstate Trump's executive order that contained his immigration plan. So it looks like Hillary is still licking the wounds of her loss, especially with the evidence on Twitter that seems to indicate that she has a need to gloat over any friction that comes Trump's way.