Hurricane Irma is as the strongest Atlantic hurricane ever recorded. It has already wreaked havoc on the Caribbean and is advancing towards Florida. Governor Rick Scott has warned that it appears to be a stronger one compared to Hurricane Andrew which had hit the state in August 1992. In view of the projected severity of Irma, nuclear power reactor management in Florida plan to go in for shut down of two plants which are in the path of the hurricane and could be in danger.

Taking preventive action

Daily Mail UK reports that nuclear power is used by nearly two million homes in Florida. Authorities have indicated that the situation is being monitored and the reactors would be shut down before Hurricane Irma strikes. There are many steps involved in shutting down a nuclear reactor and the decision to go carry it all out has to be taken in time.

Companies who supply nuclear power are confident that the existing facilities can withstand high-speed storms. This confidence stems from the fact that they have survived earlier hurricanes like Hurricane Andrew in 1992, Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne in 2005 followed by Wilma in 2006.

The structure of nuclear power reactors are designed to withstand weather conditions like hurricanes and floods.

It is necessary that nuclear reactors are cooled on shut down. Failure to do so would mean creating a situation similar to that of Fukushima in 2011 when a tsunami struck the facility. Subsequently, due to a failure of emergency systems, radioactive material escaped into the surroundings. That disaster was the result of a dreaded combination of an earthquake accompanied by a tsunami. In spite of precautions, accidents of that nature can happen. It is difficult to have a foolproof design to take care of every conceivable situation.

Authorities in Florida assured that the facilities are safe and have enough protection in the form of backup generators apart from extra fuel.

Dangers of nuclear energy

Nuclear energy is safe and pollution free but the reactors have to survive the ravages of nature. When located on the coast, they have to withstand the fury of weather pattern where winds of 200 mph and above are the norms. Global warming is a factor that is redefining the weather and people have to face the consequences. America has yet to recover from Harvey and now has to fight off Irma which is the new threat,

As to the nuclear reactors in Florida, one is located at Turkey Point. It is the state’s oldest nuclear plant and when Hurricane Andrew struck in 1992, some of the nearby facilities suffered damage that ran into millions. The authorities are confident that nuclear power reactors in the state are geared up to face the wrath of Hurricane Irma.