Numerous health studies point to the benefits of eating certain foods for better health. Foods like olive oil can contribute to a healthy life and make it easier to lose weight. The problem is that not all health studies are reliable. Good science that leads to good habits can go a long way to getting healthy and staying that way. One example of a simple habit to cultivate is good dental habits.
The link between good health and good dental habits
According to The Free Lance-Star, studies show that poor Dental Health can lead to illnesses throughout the body, not just in the mouth.
In the Fredericksburg area, where dental care is hard to get, especially for those on Medicaid, dental students learned a sickening statistic among children who live in the area: many of them had to share toothbrushes in order to brush their teeth.
In a recent report released by the Surgeon General, various medical studies have shown there is a link between the most severe health problems and chronic infections in the mouth.
Heart disease, diabetes, and problems with pregnancy are some of the health issues those with poor oral health face. Even seniors and military veterans face challenges in dental health because these services aren't normally provided by Medicare or Veterans Affairs. Private health insurance through business rarely provides coverage either even though it would help save on the cost of traditional care through prevention.
Fasting no better than calorie restriction for weight loss
NPR reported that the latest studies on fasting revealed that the data clashes with the attitude of most people who want to eat what they want to eat whenever they want to eat it.
The study, which was published in the JAMA Internal Medicine, set out to discover whether or not fasting every other day was better for weight loss than daily calorie restriction.
The results of the study, conducted on 100 people, revealed that the answer was no. Fasting every other day doesn't lead to greater weight loss than restricting calories on a daily basis for those trying to lose weight or keep it off.
The American Council on Science and Health said that it was important to use reliable studies when making choices about which studies to follow.
Epidemiology, which is the science behind scientific studies, is an inexact science. Understanding the science behind a scientific study can help consumers make better choices on which advice to take.
Depending on the study, intermittent fasting is a great new way to lose weight, or simply the latest weight loss fad. For those looking for a simple way to lose weight, it may be the path to losing the weight and keeping it off for good.