With the life expectancy of women in Italy put as 80 years by the World Health Organization (WHO), a nun who dedicates her life to service and humanity has defied the standard, clocking 110 years and still waxing strong.

Sister Candida, who is the Oldest Living nun in Italy on Monday, February 20, 2017, celebrated her 110th birthday with other members of the order and the Bishop of Lucca in attendance.

This did not exclude Pope Francis ( Jorge Mario Bergoglio) who sent his birthday wishes to her that read:

“To Reverend Sister Candida Bellotti, Sister Minister of the Sick, that with gratitude to God celebrates her 110th birthday, the Holy Father Pope Francis, participating in spirit to the common joy for the happy occasion, addresses warm congratulations and best wishes”

Nun shares tips on secret of her longevity

While it is certain that every person on earth would eventually die, no one wishes to live a short life without purpose. Sister Candida, in her lively manner, shared some tips for anyone hoping for anyone to live an equally long life.

According to her, living a life full of love with joy was the surest way to live long. She said:

''Take things as they come," "Love, love, and keep on loving - with joy!''

To the younger generation, she advised: "Have faith in the future, and put in as much work as you can to make your wishes come true''

The nun also explained that she is fulfilling purpose by carrying out the work of the convent. She said: "Throughout my life, I have always thought to myself: Where God puts me, that is the right place for me,"

Life history of oldest living nun

Sister Candida Bellotti has lived through the era of two world wars, ten popes and 57 prime ministers. She was born in Verona, Northern Italy. She first became a nun in 1931, joining the order Ministre degli infermi di San Camillo and worked as a nurse in hospitals and care homes across the country.

In 2000, at the age of 93, the nun moved to the motherhouse of the convent, where she took an active part in community life. Sister Candida is known to be a cheerful giver and very lively.