Activision has made numerous changes to the "Call of Duty" series in the past few years. The very first video game of the series was released in 2003 and its focus was on World War II, which was a theme of a few other games in the series. With the 2007 title, Activision has focused on modern warfare, adding new mechanics to the game and making it look much different than the previous games in the series.

With the release of "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare" in 2014, Activision has taken a huge step forward with new mechanics. More specifically, the video game publisher has introduced "exo" movements to the game, allowing players to move quickly in every direction, which has resulted in much faster gameplay.

While many players were not fans of this, it appears that experimenting with the game will not stop anytime soon as the recent leak reveals that building mechanics will be added to the 2021 "Call of Duty" video game.

Building in 'Call of Duty' simply sounds weird

Building was made popular with "Fortnite Battle Royale," the video game developed by Epic Games which was published in September 2017. Before the release of the battle royale mode, "Fortnite" had a PvE mode where players would build structures and defend the world against zombie-like creatures. The PvP mode, however, is the reason why the game has become so popular, attracting over 250 million players in less than two years. Building is what separates "Fortnite" from other games in the same genre, and it seems that Activision is going to add it to "Call of Duty" series.

According to TheGamingRevolution, the popular "Call of Duty" leaker, the 2021 title will be developed by Sledgehammer Games and will be free to play. It will feature a lot of assets from other games in the series, including killstreaks and characters, and it will be an online-only game. Although it is unknown what the game is going to be about, according to the leaker, it will be a mix of a battle royale and multiplayer.

TheGamingRevolution also added that the game will have building mechanics like "Fortnite Battle Royale." It will be interesting to see how Sledgehammer Games reflect building in a "Call of Duty" title, but there is no doubt that such a game could become very popular.

Not a main game in 2021

The leaker clarified that the free-to-play "Call of Duty" title will not be a main video game for Activision in 2021.

Instead, it will be a side project. Considering that making Video Games free has turned out to be a good idea for Activision, we can expect the upcoming title to be very popular as well. In the meantime, "Call of Duty: Warzone" is available for free on all supported platforms.