A reliable source with Eurogamer claims that there are two new 'Silent Hill' games currently under development. I'd true, these video game titles could finally end the ten year long hiatus of the long running survival horror franchise.

A reboot and some episodes

The information was provided via a tweet from Twitter user Aesthetic Gamer, a notorious leaker revered for his accuracy pertaining to video game releases.

According to Aesthetic Gamer, the franchise's publisher Konami has reached out to several third party developers to work on new 'Silent Hill' titles about two years ago. The first title is being planned as a "soft reboot" for the franchise while the second title will be an episodic follow-up that plays similar to 'Until Dawn' and the TellTale titles.

Why there's a hiatus

'Silent Hill' has been in dire straights lately following the decline of Konami's game publishing business. The company is focusing more on the mobile and arcade markets, leaving their once beloved console and pc market behind.

The company's most evident move towards this direction came with the abrupt cancellation of 'Silent Hills,' a highly anticipated title that was being helmed by former Konami owned studio Kojima Productions back in 2014.

The supposed follow-up seemed to hold a lot of promise given the success of its playable demo 'P.T.' which had become a viral sensation in YouTube and social media. What's more, 'Silent Hills' would have marked the end of a hiatus spanning a decade. The last entry in the franchise was 'Silent Hill: Shattered Memories,' released on the Wii back in 2009 and later ported to the PlayStation 2 a year later.

After the cancellation, Kojima Productions has since left the publisher behind and become independent. The studio's first game outside of Konami was the critically divisive title 'Death Stranding,' releases on the PlayStation 4 2019.

Currently, all that Konami has done regarding future installments of the 'Silent Hill' franchise are some pachislot arcade machines in arcades spread across Japan.

Things seemed pretty grim for the franchise That up until now.

A reboot long overdue

The 'Silent Hill' series is an impressive lineage of survival horror games spanning over twenty years. The first video game was released on the original PlayStation back in 1999. Due to its growing popularity over the years, the franchise has been adapted into other forms of entertainment media including novels, comic books, and movies.

Undoubtedly, this Twitter leak will lift the spirits of some 'Silent Hill' fans aching for more frights. However, the authenticity of these two upcoming Video Games have yet to be validated. Stay tuned.