Infinity Ward has recently released a couple of blog posts that revealed the upcoming content that will be added to "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare." The video game developer has communicated with the community through these blog posts, addressing some of the biggest issues with the game and talking about its future. Most recently, Infinity Ward has revealed a new game mode that will be added to the game with the playlist update.

The video game developer has revealed the schedule it's operating on for the current installment of the video game. "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" players will be getting playlists updates on Tuesdays, while Thursdays will be days for developer diaries or behind the scenes blogs. Each Friday, players will get a community update blog. On Tuesday, January 28, we are getting another playlist update, and it is bringing Deathmatch Domination, a new game mode!

The new Deathmatch mode should be fun

The new game mode is a combination of the two popular game modes: Deathmatch and Domination. Many "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" players are familiar with these modes and they already know what to expect from them.

Basically, kill count will matter in this mode, but players will also have to focus on objectives to earn points for their team.

“Capture the flags and take down enemies in your path and both will push your team to victory on the scoreboard,” said Infinity Ward, describing the mode in their weekly blog update. It will be interesting to see how players are going to react to this mode, but it definitely has the potential to become one of the most popular game modes in the video game.

"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" players are expecting Infinity Ward to release even more game modes that have never been seen before. Experimenting with different modes could make the video game more popular, and the good thing is that there is a weekly rotation of playlists.

Besides the new mode, players will also be able to take their enemies down in close-range combat in the Shipment 24/7 playlist. Gunfight will also be changed as there will be a 2v2 mode and players will be able to customize their loadout before the match starts.

Season 2 has been postponed

As was previously revealed, Infinity Ward has decided to extend Season 1 of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" for two weeks. The first season kicked off on December 3, 2019, and was originally scheduled to end on January 28, 2020. However, the video game developer has decided to extend it all the way until February 11, which is something a lot of players did not like. The good news is that the game is getting new content in the meantime, so players have something new to enjoy while waiting for the next season.