2019’s a bit rough for Team SoloMid (TSM) member and "Fortnite" player Daequan Loco as he just revealed over on Twitter another life bump that he’s facing right now. That said, both his team members and the gaming community have already expressed their support in this trying time.

Her mysterious illness

A few days ago, the Twitch streamer took to Twitter to reveal that his girlfriend got a serious health condition which he even described as life-threatening.

What made it worse is that despite going to numerous doctors and specialists, they still can’t figure out what the illness is. This prompted him to call out the CBS TV show “The Doctors” and its host Dr. Travis Stork as he needs answers, adding that it has low-key taken its toll on his mental state.

Show of support

As soon as the word broke out, friends, fellow gamers, and other content creators sent out their love and support to the streamer. In line with this, someone down in the comments pointed out that there’s a Netflix show dubbed “Diagnosis” where they help people find a diagnosis and possibly a cure for the mysterious illnesses that they have.

For the uninitiated, the show is based on Dr. Lisa Sanders' New York Times column of the same name.

Daequan’s debacle and staying strong

Daequan also had his share of mysterious sickness as he revealed back in June that he’s been suffering from what he calls “random health issues.” One of these is a spine-related issue where he’s been experiencing some pain on his back and headache. Further, he explained that he had undergone tests for the past five years, though all of it came back negative. Albeit the results, the pain “is all too weird” for him, not to mention that it radiates up to his neck. He even mentioned of the pain that he had been experiencing on both his stomach and chest.

In September, he also uploaded a 20-minute video where he basically explained his absence from Twitch.

In his video, he revealed that he has lost some of his family members to illnesses and friends as a result of gun violence. He even recalled the time when her girlfriend contracted E. Coli and the guilt that went alongside it as he encouraged her to seek medical treatment, though it made her even worse. That said, it’s not certain if this is connected to the current health issue of Daequan’s girlfriend.

Despite all these debacles in life, the streamer remained strong and ended the video on a positive note and expressed his eagerness to play/stream more games. The former “Fortnitepro still uploads videos from time to time over on his YouTube channel where he features gameplays from the said battle royale shooter with some “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare” on the side.