The first year of Epic's Competitive "Fortnite: Battle Royale's" marked its end on Sunday, July 28 when the first-ever champion was crowned. The World Cup finals took place in New York City's Arthur Ashe stadium and over 16000 people attended the event while millions of people watched the matches from home on live streams. Epic Games gave away over $30 million in cash prizes to its Solo, Duos, and Creative competitors while a total of $100 million cash prizes were distributed throughout the year in its pop-up cup.

What's next for Competitive 'Fortnite?'

After Season X of "Fortnite: Battle Royale" went live, Epic Games highlighted that they have a lot in store for Competitive "Fortnite" for the next half of 2019. The next championship mode is titled as "Champion Series" and it will begin this month, starting from August 17th. The Champion Series is set to take place over a course of five weeks which will see teams fight for chunks of dedicated prize pools each Saturday and Sunday. The best teams in each region will also qualify for Season X Championship, giving them the opportunity to win an even bigger prize.

The top teams in each server region will battle each other September 20, 21, and 22 and the winner will be crowned as the regional champion of Season X. The actual prize pool of the Champion Series has not been disclosed, however, Epic has already emphasized that the all the prizes add up to millions of dollar and this is not a surprise since the winner of the last World Cup, Bugha, won $3 million in a single event.

Game modes in Champion Series

For the Champion Series, Epic has decided to replace the Duos mode with Trios game mode while the solo modes also remain in the competitive game. The Champion Series will also give the opportunity to grab some quick money to players that aren't looking to compete on a bigger platform and this opportunity is realized in the form of smaller, weekly tournaments.

Starting from August 21st, Epic will host single-day Solo Cash Cups every Wednesday and Thursday. Any player who is at the Contender level or above can participate in the Wednesday Cup while the Thursday Cup requires players to be at the Champion level or above. Starting from August 23rd, "Fortnite: Battle Royale" will have Trios Cash Cup every Friday.

Lastly, Epic will be shining a light on the "Fortnite" community with a series of tournaments called "Fortnite Spotlight." The event will be led by the members of "Fortnite's" creative community all across the globe. All types of players have a chance to participate in the upcoming series of tournaments hosted by Epic Games and grab some cash and earn fame in the competitive "Fortnite."