Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts has teamed up to bring "Apex Legends" to the gaming universe and make it very popular among gamers. The video game, which was released in February 2019, has seen rapid growth in its first month since release. In its first 30 days, the battle royale video game has gained over 50 million players, which is a very impressive achievement.

Season 1 of "Apex Legends" was released on March 18, a month and a half after the game came out. Many players were excited for the release of the first season, but the excitement turned into disappointment when the season came out. Most Battle Pass rewards were useless and the video game hadn't received many gameplay changes either. However, it appears that Respawn Entertainment and EA will do a much better job with the next season as there will be a lot of new content, including the ranked mode.

New content coming soon

Season 1 was a huge disappointment for "Apex Legends" players and many of them have stopped playing the game.

Fortunately, it seems that the game developer has learned a lesson from Season 1 feedback and will do a much better job for Season 2. The second season is called "Battle Charge" and starts on July 2, as Electronic Arts announced during EA Play.

Players are expecting new content with the second season, and the game developer has already revealed a few things that will be added to the game. Just like in Season 1, "Apex Legends" players will get a new legend and there will also be a new weapon. In addition to this, players will be able to participate in a ranked mode with skill-based matchmaking.

The weapon that is coming to the game is the L-Star light machine gun. This weapon is returning from "Titanfall 2" and some players are already familiar with it.

In "Apex Legends," this weapon will be very powerful and it will be capable of breaking doors down. To balance it, Respawn Entertainment will make it available only from supply packages. Data miners have found this weapon in the game data shortly after the first season was released, and Electronic Arts recently confirmed that it will indeed be added to the game.

New legend and more Battle Pass rewards

Season 2 of the popular video game will also bring a new legend. The first season has introduced Octane, while Wattson will come with the second one. She will be a defensive character who will be able to put down electrical fences that can block enemies' progress. This legend had also been previously leaked by data miners.

Battle Pass will also be improved in the second season as it will contain more rewards. The first Battle Pass was horrible, so we are expecting Respawn Entertainment to do a much better job in July.