The Spring-themed event of “Destiny 2” dubbed The Revelry is underway and it will go through until the seventh of next month. However, players are pretty much upset about a new item in the game mode that turned PvP into chaos.
For the uninitiated, the item known as the Reveler’s Tonic - when used, has the ability to lower down Guardians’ ability cooldowns. Unfortunately, the item’s effect can also be used in “D2’s” Crucible making it an Arc Grenade Mayhem.
Players have already expressed their ire about it and called for the removal of the tonic. This is very much evident on the game’s social media platforms. That said, Bungie has addressed the issue and admitted that they made a slip-up on this one.
A player recently took to Bungie’s forum page to point out that the Revelry should not affect “Destiny 2’s” PvP, adding that the event just made these game modes broken with all the grenade spam that’s been happening in small maps. The OP went on to suggest not to include the Crucible in upcoming events as this affects gameplay.
Bungie overshot it
Per Community Manager Cozmo, he stated that they “wanted to rejuvenate every activity type in the game with a global change to the Sandbox that lasted for a limited time.” Albeit being fully aware of it being disruptive, they are still willing to push through with the experiment since the Revelry will be just around for a few weeks.
However, Cozmo admitted that they overshot things in The Revelry. He added that they’ve made the Crucible experience random and frustrating to players instead of putting excitement and variation into it. The community manager further explained that they can’t just instantly remove the Reveler’s Tonic in competitive through their servers, though he stated that they’ll continue to investigate possible tweaks that can be made. Unfortunately, players will have to sit through the event’s remaining weeks as Cozmo stated in his response, that their experiment will stay for the entirety of the event before they can patch a change.
Precision Orb generation disabled
Dmg, on the other hand, addressed the Guitar errors that were frequently popping up in both Gambit and Gambit Prime including Raids.
They discovered that the cause of these errors is the Orb generation off of precision kills that is specific to the game’s Spring event. This resulted in the disabling of the precision Orb generation in the above-mentioned activities (including Competitive Crucible) for the remainder of the Revelry. He went on, stating that Bounties and Triumphs that are related to the Orb generation can be accomplished via Black Armory Forges, Patrols, Strikes, Quickplay Crucible playlists, and the Verdant Forest.