It's the third week of "Fortnite: Battle Royale's" Season 8 and, to be honest, this week has been this season's best week so far. The popular "The Getaway" limited time mode made a return this week, along with a set of challenges with rewards attached to each one of the challenges. On St. Patrick's Day, one of the rarest outfits in "Fortnite" (Sgt. Green Clover) was also available in the in-game shop and the Going Green limited time mode also made its debut on the same day.

There are only two days left until the fourth week of Season 8 goes live and players who have already managed to grind challenges from all three weeks are probably looking forward to the upcoming week's trials.

Thanks to a data miner, the list of challenges from the upcoming week has already been leaked ahead of Epic Games officially adding them to "Fortnite."

Week 4 challenges of 'Fortnite' Season 8

Before listing all the challenges from the next week, players should note that all of the challenges can be changed at any time if Epic Games wants to improve them. With that being said, below is the list of all the challenges from the next week.

  • Deal damage to opponents while riding a vehicle
  • Destroy objects
    • Destroy trees
    • Destroy rocks
    • Destroy cars
  • Legendary Weapon Eliminations
  • Search Chests at Polar Peak or Tomato Temple
  • Search between three ski lodges
  • Land locations
    • Land at Tilted Towers
    • Land at Junk Junction
    • Land at Retail Row
    • Land at Happy Hamlet
    • Land at Pleasant Park
  • Ring a doorbell in different named locations in a single match

Compared to the challenges from other weeks of this season, Week 4 challenges aren't really that hard to complete.

Dealing damage to opponents while riding a vehicle can easily be completed in Team Rumble, Disco Domination, or any other squad modes. Currently, there are only two vehicles in the game that allows players to shoot while riding.

The destroying objects challenge is self-explanatory and can be completed in three to four matches.

Eliminating opponents with Legendary weapons might require some luck and skills, but with the addition of Treasure Maps to the game, players can easily find Legendary weapons from the buried treasure.

The fourth challenge of Week 4 tasks players with searching chests at Polar Peak or Tomato Temple. Considering that Tomato Temple isn't mentioned on the map anymore, the actual challenge might replace the name with another location.

Searching between the three ski lodges is a challenge from Season 7, so if you were able to complete that challenge, then this one shouldn't be a problem. Aside from the leaked challenge, the data miners were also able to leak a brand new weapon. The new weapon is a Flintlock pistol and it is going to be released in the game soon.