It is currently the eighth season of "Fortnite: Battle Royale" and it seems like the game is going to get a brand new vehicle soon. A few weeks ago, during Epic Games' AMA session on Reddit, a fan asked whether "Fortnite" will be keeping Driftboards in season 8 or not to which Epic Games' design lead Eric Williamson replied by saying that although the Driftboard's reception has been really positive, they are working on a new single occupancy vehicle.

Now the latest in-game news in "Fortnite" has given fans the first look at the new vehicle that was teased in the AMA session. The new vehicle is called "The Baller" and, so far, it is one of the strangest vehicles that has been added to the game. The in-game description for the new vehicle reads "Roll through the competition with the newest vehicle, The Baller!"

When is The Baller coming to 'Fortnite?'

The new spherical vehicle shares an uncanny resemblance to the vehicle seen in "Jurassic World" movie. The vehicle is also equipped with a grappler which means that players can use to fling themselves across the map, just like the normal grappler found in the game.

As already mentioned in the AMA session, there's only one seat in the vehicle. Here's how The Baller looks like:

From the looks of it, The Baller seems like a fragile vehicle and it might have low health points as compared to X-4 Stormwing plane and the Quadcrasher. The other interesting thing about the design of this vehicle is that players might be able to travel on the water with it.

After the season 8 update, some players might have noticed that a new circular shaped "bases" have appeared near the Expedition Outposts and it turns out that they are connected to this new vehicle. Famous "Fortnite" data miner Lucas7Yoshi found that the circularly shaped bases are charger bases for the "Hamster Balls."

This is the first time that a vehicle in "Fortnite" will have to be charged in order for it to work.

Currently, there is no exact date for the release of The Baller a new item tagged with "Coming Soon" are always released a day after its reveal.

"Fortnite: Battle Royale" patch v8.10 is also expected to go live on Tuesday, so there's definitely a big content update before players can get their hands on the new vehicle. The upgraded Infantry Rifles might also be released in the game after this update but Epic Games has yet to confirm the addition of this new Epic and Legendary tier items to the game.