Previous Leaks about some upcoming "Fortnite" Battle Royale outfits and items are starting to come to fruition as a couple of them – the Rex and the Pick Squeak pickaxe are now available in the game. It looks like these dataminers are on a grind in digging up the game files as they've unearthed another interesting discovery. If these folks' claims are anything to go by, it looks like the third-person shooter will be getting vehicles in the future.
Rideable shopping carts?
Rumors about such feature have been making rounds for quite some time now and this recent leak may well seem to confirm that rideable vehicles are indeed down the pipeline. However, it's not like what most "Fortnite" players are expecting.
German YouTuber DieBuddiesZocken is one of the game buffs who brought this to light as he showed in one of his vlogs some alleged datamined files from Epic. One of the file folders read "Drivable Vehicles" which was created on February 22. The folder contained various files as some of it is pertaining to the game's shopping cart assets.
Such was further strengthened by the fact that there's an area within the southeast portion of the map where four Shopping Carts were lined up as if they’re prepped to be used for a race. Additionally, players might have noticed the sudden increase in the number of shopping carts after the latest update was rolled out.
As mentioned, discussions about drivable vehicles over on the game's subreddit have been popping up from time to time. One from the dev team (Michael Noland) even replied to one of them stating that he is imagining such an idea.
Players, on the other hand, have been musing as to how will this idea be implemented. That being said, the datamined game files suggest that future updates might finally allow gamers to play with it (jog with it, ride it, and push it).
Another "Fortnite" player and YouTuber - Ali-A believes that the shopping cart could be just one of the items/vehicles in the game that will become rideable. His recent video featured some of the vehicles that might be deemed rideable in upcoming patches.
Others are not good with the idea
There are others, however, who are not good with the idea. These players believe that putting such feature in "Fortnite" will ruin the game and some even went as far as predicting the game's demise because of this.
Epic Games has yet to announce if they'll push with this or not. In the meantime, check out a video about "Fortnite" here: