Calus. Former emperor of the Cabal Empire, and the final boss of the Leviathan Raid. He has proven to be a formidable opponent for “Destiny 2” players. He is not, however, invincible. And one Fire Team has proven just how not invincible this big bad is.

Armed with determination, chutzpah, and one of the craziest ideas in quite awhile, ModernTryhard, Ehroar, FleshCrunch, Tfue, and Indica took on Calus with nothing more than Arc Soul damage and won.

Yes, they won. These members of Team Redeem have once again proven why they are a "group of the most talented PvE players in Destiny" according to their twitch bio.

Arc Soul and Calus

The Leviathan Raid is the first raid for “Destiny 2” since the game’s release in September 2017 and is meant to be a challenge. In November the Prestige mode went live and it took Team Redeem no time to claim World’s First.

The raid consists of three main stages before the final confrontation with Calus. The order in which the stages needs to be completed is changed weekly.

The battle with Claus consists of fighting in the throne room, and being transported back forth to a shadowy realm to collect force of will.

There are many strategies out there for how best to traverse Leviathan and defeat Emperor Calus. However, team Redeem has found possibly the ost unique.

Using only Arc Soul damage, team Redeem managed to defeat Calus. Watch the videos below to see how.

Redeem does have a few pointers they mentioned on Reddit, (1) All players must be on the plate before the Arc Soul rift is put down, and (2) Once the Arc Soul buff is activated you don’t need to remain on the plate, but you have to reset the Arc Soul before the timer runs out.

The rest of the videos, they said, are pretty self explanatory.

Team Redeem

As mentioned Team Redeem has claimed the title of World’s First for the Prestige Leviathan Raid, and have several speed run records.

Redeem also were the first to complete normal wrath of the machine raid.

There has been recent controversy surrounding their use of a coil glitch during their prestige leviathan raid run. Some players within the community believe they should be stripped of the title, while others believe it was perfectly allowed. Bungie seems to agree with the latter group of players, as they officially announced Redeem as World’s First title winners.

Regardless of the controversy, watching the above videos seems to cement their place as some of the most skilled and talented players within the game.