After the recent fan furor on their sneaky XP throttling, Bungie has canned the scheduled third live stream for "Destiny 2's" "Cure of Osiris" DLC to focus more on the future of the game and address its community's criticisms. That being said, the developer has just rolled out a blog post as they detailed what to expect from the game.
Dubbed "The State of Destiny 2," Bungie provided a preview of the game's future contents including specific dates as to when this stuff would arrive in the title.
They also addressed the community's growing concerns over the game's endgame content scarcity and their lack of communication towards their player base. In line with this, Bungie further responded by admitting that they failed in terms of being transparent to their faithful customers.
Bungie addressing the issue
Per the lengthy blog post, Bungie stated that they intended "to keep slower-paced activities as rewarding as high intensity grinding without confusing variations in displayed XP values." However, the stealthy nature of the system has without a doubt betrayed the community.
Here is a brief summary of what players will be getting from these upcoming updates.
Huge updates are coming
Alongside "Curse of Osiris' release on December 5, Armor Ornaments will be rolled out to players' current Armor sets allowing them to further customize their gear without losing their mods. These items can be unlocked by meeting certain requisites, and these will be permanent similar to Exotic Weapon ornaments.
The gunsmith Banshee-44 will also be getting some tweaks on both of his weapon and armor mods. Master Rahool, on the other hand, is said to be selling his Legendary Engrams for Legendary Shards on the same date.
Come December 12, and another set of game tweaks will be rolled out to "Destiny 2" fans.
This includes Legendary weapons will be either dropped or upgraded to their Masterworks iterations. The merchant Xur will also be getting new merch to sell for players who have the penchant of collecting Exotics.
Both Faction Weapons and Armor will be available for purchase with tokens and shards on all Faction vendors. Lord Shaxx and Commander Zavala won't be left behind on this as they are slated to sell Gift consumables in exchange for Legendary shards.
Players can check on Bungie's official website for additional details about these inbound updates. Watch a video about "Destiny 2" here: