Today was supposed to be the day of the final stream before "curse of Osiris" comes out for "Destiny 2" on December 5th. Instead of going as scheduled Bungie decided to cancel the stream and put out a Blog Post talking about the state of the game instead. After the last stream people got in an uproar over the loot drops and how the double XP event seemed off. They go into details about some of the changes to "Destiny 2" over the next few months and into 2018. We'll just cover the changes coming on December 5th in this post though cause, turns out, there's quite a bit changing.

Armor Ornaments

Season 2 officially kicks off on December 5th, and some changes are coming along with it. Armor Ornaments are going to be available for existing armor sets and the new sets coming with the DLC. You will be able to get them by completing activities/objectives tied to each set. They will basically be treated as an exotic gun/armor piece and can be used account wide. The following Factions/activities will all have different sets of them:

  • Vanguard Faction Armor
  • Crucible Faction Armor
  • Trials of the Nine Armor
  • Iron Banner Armor
  • Dead Orbit Armor
  • Future War Cult Armor
  • New Monarchy Armor
  • Eater of Worlds Raid Lair Armor

Mods and Tokens

In addition to armor ornaments coming to the game, mods are getting some changes as well.

Bashee (The Gunsmith) is where you go to buy Legendary Mods once you reach 280 Power and that's staying the same. What's changing is the managing of mods. You can only hold 50 mods at a time, and that sounds like a good bit but that fills up fast, and you end up having to delete some. If you dismantle Rare quality mods, then you get Gunsmith materials and a chance to get Legendary quality mod components.

He will also start selling Legendary mods that will rotate daily and cost Legendary Shards and mod components. Master Rahool will also start selling Legendary Engrams for Legendary Shards.

The reputation token system will also see a bit of change. The system seemed fine when the game first launched but has become stale, and Bungie is listening to the people.

The following changes will happen on December 5th:

  • Daily challenges will have increased tokens
  • Cayde's treasure chests will have destination appropriate tokens. So if you're on Io, then you'll get Io tokens.
  • Strikes will give more reputation tokens
  • Common quality destination tokens will have a drop rate increase of 100% and value per token also increased
  • Reputation required for a reward engram for different planets will increase 37% and 50% for the Gunsmith
  • Raid tokens will automatically be redeemed and not require you to finish the raid to unlock

That about does it for the updates to expect on December 5th when "Curse of Osiris" comes out. The token system updates should give players a reason to do the weekly activities now and not just glance at them and not do them.

Ornaments were a big part of the endgame to "Destiny 1" and having them come back is very welcome. Bungie seems to be listening to the fans and "Curse of Osiris" looks to be a step in the direction the game needs to go.