Blizzard Entertainment recently updated “Overwatch.” The latest update brings a few changes to the heroes Mercy, Lucio, and Zenyatta. It has been almost a month since the developer started modifying Mercy, and it seems like Blizzard’s team is not done yet. Mercy’s cooldown period has been fixed where her counter does not reset after using Valkyrie or Resurrection.
Mercy changes
The Guardian Angel ability can now fly toward a teammate by simply pressing the jump key. This feature is very useful, especially when reviving teammates. Mercy’s Resurrect ability cooldown does not reset or decrease when the ultimate ability Valkyrie has been activated. Even though the Resurrect cooldown will not decrease, Mercy can still revive two teammates using the bonus resurrection charge. Players should take note that the resurrection charge will deplete if not used. With these changes, players can easily Resurrect two teammates instantly by using the Guardian Angel ability along with the Valkyrie.
Changes on Lucio and Zenyatta
According to a report by Dot Esports, Lucio’s speed boost has been increased by 65 percent. Players can perform the speed boost after completing a wall-ride. This change is in response to the bug that decreased the speed of Lucio’s wall-ride ability.The developer claims that all the changes for Mercy and Lucio will give them more flexibility during combat. Additionally, Blizzard Entertainment added a few voice lines for the support hero Zenyatta for his new Halloween costumes.
Minor bug fixes
The latest “Overwatch” update fixed the bug that prevents the momentum of Mercy from slowing down correctly when she cancels her Guardian Angel ability. Blizzard Entertainment also addressed the bug that prevents the visual effects on Sombra’s Pumpkinette victory pose from displaying correctly.
The new "Overwatch" update is available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Windows PC. Players can visit the official “Overwatch” forums to view the complete patch notes.
Halloween Terror event
The “Overwatch” Halloween Terror event is currently underway, and it will end on November 2. The event brings new Halloween-themed skins and PvE brawl modes. The “Junkenstein's Revenge” from last year’s event also returned, but with a few changes. The new “Junkenstein's Revenge” only requires three players to fight waves of scary enemies. Those players who seek more challenge can try out the Endless Night mode. The goal for this mode is to survive unending waves of tough enemies. The player who survives the longest will get a spot on the “Overwatch” leaderboard.